The story of IX Renewables
IX started in 2004 when founder Eric Kamphues developed a new business on behalf of the Mecal Group: Wind Power Technical Consultancy. In 2016, it became an independent company and changed its name to IX. In 2018, the company moved from Enschede to the Netherlands to Leiden, and has since grown steadily into the organization it is today, with renewable energy projects for clients in Western Europe and East Asia.
Beginning of a story
The department started out with performing technical due diligence and inspections of wind farms. In 2007 the business unit was incorporated in a new entity called Mecal Wind Farm Services BV. Meanwhile inspections and technical analysis became a big part of the business. 19 December
In 2012 the consultancy part was split off which became the company Mecal Independent eXperts (Mecal IX), in which Eric became a shareholder. The company started to focus on ‘less risk, more yield’ and particularly the link between finance/commercial, technical, and legal aspects.
A strong start
With several large offshore due diligences (Gwynth y Mor, Dan Tyks and Sandbank) as well as supporting the Formosa 1 OWF in Taiwan, the start was strong. Together with partners BBB Umwelttechnik, ep4offshore and Pondera the first joint venture Wind Minds was formed in 2014/2015 to offer a full package and offer much needed size for the offshore industry.
However, the tide turned in 2015-2016 where the need for consultancy, particularly in the offshore wind industry, slumped in Europe. The team shrank to a few persons as business slowed down
But only for a short while, because by the end of 2016, the tides turned once more for IX, in a positive direction.
From IX Wind to IX Renewables
On 15 November 2016, Eric purchased all remaining shares of the company from Mecal and ‘restarted’ the company under the name Independent eXperts. The company continued to work in various disciplines within the field of wind energy, but with a focus on Europe and Taiwan/Japan. One year later, in 2017, Tom van der Linde joined as shareholder, which laid a new basis for work in the Netherlands with much more continuity.
Clients started calling the company IX Wind, after the website URL, hence the name was changed to match customer expectations.
In 2020 the name IX Renewables was introduced to serve as an umbrella organization for IX's several branches.
Expanding to Asia
In June 2018, the first Asian office was opened in Taipei. Initially mainly for business development, however this would later turn to be essential for the development of the wind business. A formal local entity (branch office) was established in August 2021 to facilitate the further growth and employment of local personnel. A year later, a local subsidiary was also setup to facilitate the development of and investment in local renewable energy projects: Rui Li and Rui Yao.
Mid 2020, parallel to the outbreak of COVID-19, a business presence was established in Tokyo for business development in Japan. The formal incorporation of the KK (Kabushiki Kaisha) was established beginning 2021.
"Differentiating between IX Wind and IX Renewables, though initially beneficial, eventually led to confusion among clients and team members regarding the corporate identity. To streamline the brand and enhance recognition, starting 2024, we have decided to consolidate under a single banner: IX Renewables."
Social Responsibility
We are committed to contribute to sustainability. At IX Renewables, we're doing our modest part by investing in rainforest conservation to offset our carbon footprint. This gesture is part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future.
Currently we have adopted 2000m2 of rainforest in Costa Rica.
The rainforest in Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful, special and most biodiverse places on earth. It’s essential to preserve it for current and future generations, and for the fight against climate change. does this by placing every adopted m2 of land directly under Costa Rica’s nature conservation law, protecting it forever from commercial exploitation.
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